Since starting this account a mere 3 months ago, I've been asked so many times why I believe that food and Feminism go together so I figured I'd write a little bit about it on here. Firstly, let me define feminism and what it means to me. Feminism to me is simply equality. It means men and women get the same opportunities in life, get paid equally and treated the same. The gender pay gap truly f**ks me off, the portrayal of women in the media makes me rage and I completely think it's ok to feel anger at the system... HOWEVER, I do not feel anger at just men, that wouldn't be very equal would it? I still hear people telling young girls that they 'won't find a husband' if they look or act a certain way... And 9 times out of 10, that comes from a woman. This is one of the many, many reasons I link food to feminism. It's an interesting concept isn't it? Remember when women belonged in the kitchen... But god they couldn't eat all those calories and gain a few pounds could they, then they wouldn't be attractive to their husbands who worked so hard all day! This sounds ancient but you can still see the idea of it popping up in every day life. For me, diet culture is pretty bloody sexist. It doesn't just effect women but it is primarily aimed at them - all you have to do is look at WW or SW ads to see this! Women obsess over their size, not out of vanity, but because we’re told every single day that our worth hinges on our looks. We can be a successful woman, personally and professionally, but if we don’t look a certain way, it doesn’t matter. I work with a team of badass women and every single one of them still worries about how they look... And as do I. I started this blog because I firmly believe food helps to bring people together; whether it's friendly Geordie grandparents cracking open the biscuit barrel at any opportunity or Indian families sharing home cooked meals, it's a sign of respect and love. I really want to lose the shame and guilt of eating certain foods. I really want to break the link between weight and self worth. I want to share tasty recipes that inspire people and I also want to give them a bit of body positivity and feminist sass.
I'm a Feminist that loves food.
I'm a Feminist that's against diet culture.
I'm a Feminist that wants to share her views, recipes, life and self love.