Leek, Pea and Mushroom Spaghetti
250g Chestnut mushrooms
2 Leaks
150g Frozen Peas
2 Cloves of Garlic
650ml Veg Stock
150ml Almond Milk
1 Tbsp Lime
1 tsp Herbes de Provence
1 tsp Chilli Flakes
Fresh Parsley
300g Dried Spaghetti
1 Spiralized Courgette
Soften the leeks, mushrooms and garlic in a overproof dish.
Add in the stock, milk, dried herbs and lemon and bring to a gentle simmer.
Pop in the dried pasta and bake on a low temperature for 20 mins.
Take out the oven and pop in the frozen peas and courgette and simmer for a minute with the lid off.
Top with fresh parsley and serve!
* Beautiful cast Iron pot from Von Shef UK.